Residential Aged Care Facility Referrals
To refer a resident please send us an email containing the following information, or print off the
referral form below and fax or email it through to us:
- The resident’s name and date of birth
- State if the referral is “urgent” (within 2 business days) or “non-urgent” (within one week)
- Reason for referral (e.g., Resident is having difficulty chewing meat, pocketing, and coughing with thin fluids)
- Person referring (e.g., nurse, resident, resident’s family member, GP)
- Relevant medical history (e.g., L CVA, Dementia, Cancer, Food allergies, Parkinson’s Disease)
- The resident’s current diet and fluid consistency and how they take their medications (e.g.,
- Soft and Bite-Sized, Thin fluids, Crushed medications)
- The referrers name, position, contact number and date