Make a Referral

How to make a referral to Adult Speech Pathology

Please feel welcome to contact us directly to make a referral. In most cases, a doctor’s referral is not required

When making a referral you will speak directly to one of our Speech Pathologists. If we are consulting and unable to take your call, we will return your call as soon as possible.

If you prefer, referrals can also be made by fax: 8271 1588 or by email:

When making a referral please provide us with as much information as possible so that we can best support you.

To refer a resident please send us an email containing the following information: 

  1. The resident’s name and date of birth
  2. State if the referral is “urgent” (within 2 business days) or “non-urgent” (within one week)
  3. Reason for referral (e.g., Resident is having difficulty chewing meat, pocketing, and coughing with thin fluids)
  4. Person referring (e.g., nurse, resident, resident’s family member, GP)
  5. Relevant medical history (e.g., L CVA, Dementia, Cancer, Food allergies, Parkinson’s Disease)
  6. The resident’s current diet and fluid consistency and how they take their medications (e.g.,
  7. Soft and Bite-Sized, Thin fluids, Crushed medications)
  8. The referrers name, position, contact number and date

Residential Referral Form

Community Referral Form