Selena Brady
Certified Practicing Speech Pathologist/ Senior Speech Pathologist
Selena graduated from Flinders University in 2014 she has experience in all areas of in adult communication and swallowing rehabilitation. Her special interest is in supporting communication and cognitive-communication following stroke and TBI. Selena worked in public health (SA Health) until nowm, she has experience with inpatient, outpatient and community rehabilitation. This was in teams including Rehabilitation in the Home (RITH), Day Rehabilitation Service (DRS) both based at The Queen Elizabeth Hospital as well as in the Brain Injury Rehabilitation Unit (BIRU) and Spinal Injuries Unit (SIU) at the New Repat. Selena has also been a clinical educator in a hospital based speech pathology clinic. Evidence shows that clinician-client relationships are directly linked to stronger therapy outcomes, and Selena seeks to connect meaningfully with her clients to best support each individual.